Worship at St. Andrew’s

Gathering weekly to worship is one of the ways we both live out our faith and are strengthened in our faith. Through worship, we come intentionally into the presence of God. We experience God when hymns or songs of praise are sung, when prayers are spoken, when the Word of God is read and proclaimed, and when the sacraments are celebrated. As Lutheran Christians, we gather weekly around both Word (read and preached) and Sacrament.   Holy Communion, (the Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper) is normally part of every Sunday and Wednesday worship experience, and is open to anyone who wishes to receive the true presence of their Lord Jesus in the bread and wine. We also offer gluten free wafers and white grape juice as alternatives.

  • Sundays at 9:00

    Worship follows the basic order of “Gather-Word-Meal-Send,” with most of the parts coming from our primary worship resource: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) hymnal. Congregational singing comes primarily from hymns and songs in the ELW, which includes a wide range, from the “golden oldies” to “global” music. The Mixed Choir, Men’s Choir, and Handbell Choir participate regularly in this worship service. Music is accompanied primarily with organ.

  • Wednesdays at 6:00

    While also following the basic order of “Gather-Word-Meal-Send,” RECHARGE worship is less formal and less liturgical. Music is led by a “praise team” consisting of vocalists, piano, guitar and drums, and includes praise and worship songs. Candle lighting accompanies prayer, as we bring our joys and sorrows into the light of Jesus. Communion is celebrated each week. The Wednesday sermon is “version 1.0” of the sermon preached the following Sunday (“version 2.0”)

    During the months of June, July, and August, we invite you to consider worshipping outdoors at St. Andrew’s lakeside setting on Wednesday evenings. This summer worship is quite informal, though does include the sermon and Bible readings that will be shared the following Sunday and weekly communion. Music is usually with a single guitar, and we sing both hymns and songs. Candle lighting is part of our praying as we bring our joys and sorrows into the light of Christ.

    Wednesday Worship in the summer is followed by a campfire with hotdogs and s-mores. In case of inclement weather, worship will be held inside in the sanctuary.